Marvel Cinematic Database
Marvel Cinematic Database
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The Abilisk was a multi-dimensional being who was devouring the power sources of the Sovereign planet. The Sovereign hired the Guardians of the Galaxy to fight it.


Attacking Sovereign[]

The Abilisk appeared on the planet Sovereign, drawn by their Anulax Batteries and began feeding on them. The Sovereign, believing that it was beneath them to fight the Abilisk themselves, they hired the Guardians of the Galaxy to kill it.[1]

Battle on Sovereign[]

"There's a cut on its neck! Rocket, get it to look up!".
"Alright you giant sea monkey up here!"
Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon[src]
File:Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 40.jpg

The Abilisk swallows Drax the Destroyer

The Guardians set up a trap for the Abilisk. When the Abilisk returned to feed on the batteries, the Guardians attacked it, with a large battle taking place. It saw one of the Guardians running towards it and simply swallowed him. With two other Guardians drawing its attention, the Abilisk looked up, snapping at them. To its surprise however, Gamora drew her sword and drove it into its injury, cutting the creature open. The Abilisk collapsed, with it dying soon after from "blood" loss.[1]


"Its skin is too thick to pierce from the outside!"
Drax the Destroyer[src]
  • Superhuman Durability: The Abilisk's skin was durable enough to withstand multiple blasts from Rocket Raccoon's many guns and Star-Lord's Quad Blasters. It was only killed when Gamora attacked a pre-existing cut on its neck.
  • Matter Waves: The Abilisk was able to shoot rainbow beams of transdimensonal matter out of its mouth during the Battle on Sovereign.
  • Interdimensional Travel: The Abilisk could travel between dimensions.




